If the Bare Minimum Feels Like Love, It’s Because Your Subconscious is Still Impressed by Breadcrumbs

If you've ever found yourself settling for the bare minimum in a relationship, feeling like the occasional text or half-hearted effort is enough to sustain your connection, you're not alone.

Many people unknowingly tolerate relationship dynamics that don’t serve their highest good….often because their subconscious has been conditioned to accept breadcrumbs as love.

This pattern is rooted deeply in relationship anxiety and low self-esteem, where past experiences or emotional wounds have shaped your understanding of what "love" should look like.

In this blog, we’ll explore why the bare minimum might feel like love, how relationship anxiety and self-esteem issues play a role, and what you can do to break free from this cycle to experience healthy, fulfilling relationships.

What Does the Bare Minimum in Love Look Like?

When you’re stuck in a cycle of seeking out relationships that provide only the bare minimum, you might think that love is supposed to feel hard to get or that it requires constant effort to keep the connection alive. The bare minimum can look like:

  • Inconsistent communication: They text you only when it’s convenient, or their messages are brief and vague.

  • Empty promises: They tell you what they’ll do, but never actually follow through.

  • Lack of effort: They put in just enough to keep you hanging on, but not enough to show real commitment.

While at first, these actions might seem like love, they’re often signs of emotional unavailability. They might give you small doses of attention, affection, or affection in a way that leaves you feeling confused but still hopeful.

Why Does the Bare Minimum Feel Like Love?

The real reason the bare minimum feels like love is because your subconscious mind has been conditioned to believe that this is all you deserve. If you've had experiences in the past…whether in childhood, past relationships, or even societal influences….where love and attention were sporadic or inconsistent, your subconscious mind begins to normalise this behaviour.

Relationship anxiety can play a massive role in this.

If you fear abandonment, rejection, or emotional intimacy, your mind may hold onto what little affection or attention you get, even if it’s insufficient.

This anxiety can cause you to overlook red flags or justify unhealthy behaviors. If you've grown used to waiting for crumbs of attention, your subconscious associates these breadcrumbs with love…because it's the only version of love you've known.

The Link Between Relationship Anxiety and Self-Esteem

When you struggle with low self-esteem, it’s easy to fall into the trap of accepting anything less than the love you deserve. Your self-worth becomes tied to external validation…meaning the more crumbs you receive, the more you feel validated. But this is a toxic cycle that perpetuates anxiety.

  1. Fear of Rejection: When you’re emotionally invested in someone who offers little in return, your subconscious worries that if you ask for more or demand consistency, they’ll pull away. This fear of rejection keeps you stuck in the cycle of waiting for breadcrumbs instead of demanding the love you truly deserve.

  2. People-Pleasing and Overcompensating: If your sense of self-worth is low, you might feel the need to constantly please or prove yourself to others. This overcompensation shows up as over-giving, over-explaining, or constantly trying to "fix" the relationship to make it work, despite the fact that the other person isn't putting in the effort.

  3. Unconscious Acceptance of Low Standards: Your self-esteem tells you that this is all you can get. You may not believe you deserve more than sporadic affection, and so you settle for the crumbs, not realizing that healthy love is consistent and reciprocal.

How to Break Free From the Cycle of Breadcrumbs

Breaking free from the cycle of settling for the bare minimum in love starts with reclaiming your self-worth. You deserve so much more than just the scraps. Here’s how to start making the shift:

  1. Recognise the Patterns: The first step is acknowledging that you are settling for less. Reflect on your past relationships and identify patterns of inconsistency. Ask yourself if you’ve been accepting emotional unavailability and why you might have allowed it.

  2. Build Your Self-Esteem: Start reconnecting with your sense of worth. When you value yourself, you won’t tolerate behavior that doesn’t align with your standards. Practice self-love daily and challenge the beliefs that tell you you’re not worthy of more.

  3. Set Healthy Boundaries: Boundaries are a key part of healthy relationships. Once you start valuing yourself, you’ll find it easier to say no to situations that leave you feeling drained or emotionally unfulfilled. Setting boundaries allows you to protect your energy and build relationships that are nurturing, not draining.

  4. Understand Your Relationship Anxiety: If you struggle with relationship anxiety, consider seeking professional help to heal the root causes of this fear. Working with a therapist or coach can help you unpack past experiences and emotional wounds, giving you the tools to navigate relationships in a healthier way.

  5. Demand More From Your Relationships: You have the power to demand love that’s consistent, fulfilling, and whole. If someone truly cares for you, they will show up for you consistently, and you won’t have to chase them for attention or affection. Start expecting more, and don’t settle for less.

Conclusion: You Deserve More Than Breadcrumbs

If the bare minimum feels like love, it’s a sign that your subconscious is still holding on to the idea that you’re not worthy of real, consistent love. But that’s not the truth. You are worthy of the whole meal—a love that’s present, nurturing, and secure.

Start reprogramming your subconscious to accept only the love that treats you with the respect, care, and consistency you deserve. When you focus on healing your self-esteem and addressing relationship anxiety, you can break free from the cycle of crumbs and finally step into the love you’ve always dreamed of.

If you’re ready to reclaim your worth and stop settling for the bare minimum in your relationships, check out the Becoming the One program.

This powerful, 10-session journey is designed to help you heal deep-rooted patterns, boost your self-esteem, and build the foundation for healthy, fulfilling relationships. It’s time to stop accepting breadcrumbs. You deserve the whole meal.

5 Reasons Anxiety is Running the Show Right Now (and How to Take Back Control)

Anxiety can feel like it’s always lurking in the background, ready to take over when things get overwhelming.

We’ve all been there—feeling like we’re doing our best, yet still feeling frazzled and stressed. But here’s the thing: anxiety is often running the show in ways we don’t even realise.

So, why does it feel like anxiety is in control?

Let’s take a deep dive into the common reasons and explore how you can regain control over your life, your mind, and your peace of mind.

1. You’re Doing Too Much with No Real "Downtime"

We live in a world where “hustling” is glorified, and the pressure to do more can be constant. Between work, family obligations, social media, and the never-ending to-do lists, it can feel like you’re always moving. But here's the reality check: scrolling through your phone or watching mindless TV isn't real downtime.

Real downtime is when you fully disconnect from your daily obligations and let your mind and body rest. If you aren’t allowing yourself this kind of break, your nervous system stays in “go-mode,” and this constant state of stimulation can leave you feeling more anxious than rested. Without true relaxation, your brain doesn’t get a chance to process the stress you’ve accumulated throughout the day. That means it piles up, contributing to feelings of anxiety.

The Solution:
Try carving out time each day for real downtime – even if it’s just 15-30 minutes. Engage in activities that truly rejuvenate you, like reading, taking a walk in nature, meditating, or simply sitting quietly without the distraction of screens. These moments of rest help reset your system and manage anxiety in a healthy way.

2. Your Stress Bucket is Full

We all have what’s known as a “stress bucket.” It’s a metaphor for the mental, emotional, and physical stress we experience.

Every time something stressful happens—whether it’s a deadline at work, an argument with a loved one, or feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities—your stress bucket fills up a little bit more.

When you don't empty the stress bucket regularly, it starts to overflow, and that’s when anxiety shows up. What often happens is that we go about our daily lives thinking we’re managing just fine.

However, when that bucket is full, it only takes one small thing to tip us over the edge. Anxiety becomes the loudest voice, often triggered by something that might seem small but is actually the last drop in an already full bucket.

The Solution:
Make time for stress relief every day, whether it’s a few minutes of deep breathing, exercising, journaling, or talking to a friend. Make sure sleep is a priority…REM sleep is one of the ways we empty that stress bucket.

It’s important to regularly check in with yourself, notice how full your stress bucket is, and take steps to keep it from overflowing. The small acts of self-care can make a huge difference in managing your anxiety.

3. You’re Not Living by Your Values

We all have values that guide us in life. Whether it’s a love for nature, the importance of helping others, or the need for creativity, our values define who we are. But here’s the kicker—when your day-to-day life isn’t aligned with these values, it can create a sense of disconnection and dissatisfaction that contributes to anxiety.

For example, if one of your core values is nature and you’ve spent all week indoors, working on your computer and having little interaction with others, it’s no wonder you’re feeling drained. That misalignment between your daily reality and what truly feeds your soul can make you feel out of balance.

The Solution:
Take a moment to reflect on your values. Are you living in alignment with them? If not, make conscious changes to introduce more of what matters to you into your routine. For instance, if helping others is a core value, dedicate time each week to volunteer or offer support. If nature is important to you, schedule regular walks outside. Living in alignment with your values can reduce feelings of anxiety and restore a sense of purpose.

4. Your Brain is Programmed for the "Worst-Case Scenario"

Did you know we have approximately 80,000 thoughts every single day? What’s even more interesting (and a bit frustrating) is that around 70,000 of those thoughts are recycled from the day before. And guess what most of them are? Worries about things going wrong.

Our brains are wired to focus on the worst-case scenario—this is an evolutionary trait designed to keep us safe. However, this constant focus on potential danger, failure, or disappointment can create an ongoing loop of anxiety. The result? Your brain starts to habitually fixate on negative outcomes instead of opportunities, and you end up feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

The Solution:
Start being more aware of your thought patterns. When you notice yourself spiralling into worst-case scenarios, pause and ask yourself, "Is this thought based on facts or assumptions?"

Use on of my techniques from 9 Tools and techniques to help reduce anxiety.

Redirect your thoughts to something positive or grounding, like deep breathing or a mindful activity. Reprogramming your brain takes time, but it’s possible—and you can begin by simply shifting your focus from fear to possibility.

5. You’re Not Giving Yourself Enough Grace

The truth is, many of us have unrealistic expectations for ourselves. Whether it's striving for perfection at work or trying to meet everyone’s needs, it’s easy to put pressure on yourself to be “on” all the time. Unfortunately, this leaves little room for mistakes, rest, or simply being human—and that’s a setup for anxiety.

Perfectionism is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to creating anxiety. If you expect yourself to always be perfect and never make mistakes, you set yourself up for a constant cycle of stress and disappointment.

The Solution:
Start giving yourself the grace you deserve. Remember, you’re doing your best, and that’s enough. Allow yourself to make mistakes, rest when needed, and celebrate your progress, not just your achievements. Embrace imperfection, and you’ll feel more at ease and less anxious.

Time to Take Back Control

Anxiety doesn’t have to control your life. By recognizing these common triggers and taking small steps toward healing and balance, you can reclaim your peace of mind. It’s about making space for rest, living in alignment with your values, breaking the cycle of negative thinking, and, most importantly, giving yourself the grace to simply be.

You don’t have to face anxiety alone—start making these shifts today, and if you need support, I’m here to help. Whether it’s through coaching or mindset work, we can break free from the patterns that feed anxiety and create a life of inner peace.

Ready to feel more grounded and less anxious? Download my FREE PDF 9 tools and techniques to help reduce anxiety.

#Anxiety #MentalHealth #MindsetMatters #InnerPeace #StressManagement #PersonalGrowth #Values #SelfCare

Why You Keep Seeking Validation in Relationships (And How to Stop)

Why You Keep Seeking Validation in Relationships

Have you ever felt like you need reassurance in your relationships to feel secure?

Maybe you overanalyse texts, feel uneasy when someone pulls away slightly, or find yourself constantly wondering, Am I enough?

You’re not alone.

But here’s the truth…this pattern isn’t about the other person.

It’s about something deeper: your relationship with yourself.

If you’ve ever felt like no matter how much love, attention, or reassurance you get, it still doesn’t feel like enough—this is for you.

Why We Crave Validation in Relationships

Seeking validation isn’t a personal flaw, it’s a learned survival mechanism.

Somewhere along the way, you might have picked up the belief that your worth is dependent on how others see you.

💭 You grew up needing to “earn” love through achievements, people-pleasing, or being “good.”
💭 You’ve been in relationships where you felt unseen, unappreciated, or abandoned.
💭 Your self-worth has been shaped by rejection, heartbreak, or past trauma.

Whatever the reason, the result is the same: you look outside of yourself for the security that can only come from within.

And the frustrating part?

No amount of validation ever feels like enough. Even when someone reassures you, the doubts creep back in—because the real shift has to happen inside you.

Breaking the “Not Enough” Cycle

When you tie your self-worth to someone else’s attention, actions, or words, you enter a cycle that looks like this:

1️⃣ You feel anxious or uncertain in a relationship.
2️⃣ You seek validation—through reassurance, people-pleasing, overgiving, or even overanalysing small interactions.
3️⃣ You feel better… for a little while.
4️⃣ The doubts creep back in, and the cycle repeats.

So how do you break free?

You start by training your mind to feel enough, without needing constant reassurance.

How to Start Rewiring Your Mind for Self-Worth

If you’re used to seeking validation from others, shifting to internal validation won’t happen overnight….but you can start retraining your mind today.

Here are 3 simple but powerful ways to break free from the cycle:

1️⃣ Reframe the Story in Your Head

Your brain is wired to fill in the gaps. If you don’t hear back from someone for a few hours, your first thought might be:
💭 They’re losing interest.
💭 I must have said something wrong.
💭 Maybe they don’t like me as much as I like them.

But that’s just ONE possible explanation. Instead, challenge yourself to write down 10 alternative reasons why they haven’t responded.

They’re busy with work.
Their phone is on silent.
They’re taking time for themselves.
They fell asleep watching Netflix.
They’re just not a fast texter.

The more you do this, the more your brain learns to STOP defaulting to self-doubt and fear.

2️⃣ Shift Your Focus Back to YOU

When you’re caught in a cycle of seeking validation, your energy is focused outward—on what someone else is doing, thinking, or feeling.

The antidote? Turn the focus inward.

🌟 Instead of obsessing over their actions, ask yourself:

  • What do I need today to feel good?

  • How can I show up for myself right now?

  • What makes ME feel happy, grounded, or secure?

Every time you shift your attention back to your own needs, you train your brain to find security within you—not from someone else.

3️⃣ Start Celebrating Yourself—Every Single Day

When you constantly look for external validation, it’s often because you’re not giving yourself enough credit.

Here’s a simple way to start building self-worth from within:

📖 Create a “Self-Celebration” List 📖
At the end of each day, write down 3 things you’re proud of….BIG or small.

💡 “I spoke up for myself today.”
💡 “I stayed present instead of overthinking.”
💡 “I did something kind for myself.”

The more you acknowledge your own worth, the less you’ll feel the need to seek validation from others.

Ready to Speed Up the Process?

Rewiring your self-worth doesn’t have to take months or years.

That’s exactly why I created Enough As You Are: The 7-Day Challenge, to help you fast-track this transformation.

💬 A week of powerful daily mindset shifts & self-worth challenges.
🎥 A live workshop to break free from the patterns keeping you stuck.
🤝 A private WhatsApp group for support, connection, and accountability.

📅 Starts Monday, March 3rd | Live Workshop Tuesday, March 4th
💰 Only £19

🔗 Join the Challenge Now

It’s time to stop waiting for someone else to make you feel enough.

You already are. Now, let’s help you believe it. 💖

How to Tell If Self-Doubt Is Stopping Your Business Growth

If you’ve ever felt like a fraud in your own business, take a deep breath—you’re not alone.

Self-doubt is one of the biggest silent saboteurs for entrepreneurs, and it has a sneaky way of showing up, no matter how accomplished you are.

You might find yourself second-guessing every decision, holding back from taking big leaps, or feeling like you need “just one more qualification” before you can truly own your expertise.

Sound familiar? These feelings often stem from subconscious beliefs that whisper, You’re not enough, no matter how much you achieve. And here’s the kicker: they can significantly block your business growth.

How Self-Doubt Holds You Back

Self-doubt doesn’t just impact how you feel; it shapes how you show up.

When you’re stuck in a loop of second-guessing, it can lead to:

  • Overworking and burnout: You push harder and harder, trying to prove yourself, yet feel like you’re spinning your wheels.

  • Paralysis in decision-making: The fear of making the “wrong” choice stops you from making bold moves.

  • Undercharging for your services: You question your value, so you price yourself lower than you deserve.

  • Avoiding visibility: You hold back from showing up fully, whether that’s through public speaking, social media, or pitching your services.

All of this creates a cycle that not only erodes your confidence but also limits your potential to scale your business.

What’s Really Going On?

The truth is, self-doubt is rarely about what’s happening on the surface. At its core, it’s driven by subconscious programming—those deeply rooted beliefs that form over years of conditioning.

Whether it’s fear of failure, fear of judgment, or an ingrained belief that success has to be hard, these subconscious blocks silently shape your actions (or lack of them).

But here’s the good news: once you identify and shift those limiting beliefs, the ripple effect is transformative.

Imagine This...

How would it feel to stop second-guessing yourself? To wake up each day operating from a place of certainty and confidence? To make decisions with clarity and conviction, trusting that you do know what you’re doing?

Imagine what your business could look like if you let go of the subconscious blocks holding you back. You’d not only feel more empowered, but scaling your business would become easier because you’d approach challenges with a solution-focused mindset instead of being stuck in self-doubt.

Now, picture stepping into 2025 with that kind of confidence.

What would be possible for you? How would your business grow? And more importantly, how would you feel?

The Shift Starts Here

If you’re ready to uncover and release the self-doubt that’s been holding you back, I invite you to join "From Burnout to Boss"a transformational journey to help you go from spinning your wheels to scaling with clarity and confidence.

In this program, you’ll learn how to:

  • Recognise the root causes of your self-doubt.

  • Reprogram those limiting subconscious beliefs.

  • Step into your role as a confident leader and business owner.

You’ll walk away feeling not only empowered but also aligned with the version of yourself that takes bold, aligned action to grow your business.

Let 2025 be the year you finally leave self-doubt behind and operate from the certainty that you’ve got this.

Ready to make that shift? Sign up here for From Burnout to Boss. Your breakthrough is waiting. 🌟

Why Heartbreak Was One of the Best Things That Happened to Me

Have you ever gone through a breakup so painful it felt like your entire world was crumbling?

I’ve been there.

Someone recently referred to my experience with an ex as “just a blip in my life.” But I immediately said, “NO, it was one of the best things that ever happened to me!”

Sound surprising? It’s true.

That heartbreak became the catalyst for my healing and transformation. If you’re struggling to heal from a breakup, let me share how that painful moment helped me rebuild my self-worth, break toxic patterns, and create a life I love.

Heartbreak as a Catalyst for Growth

At the time, it didn’t feel like a blessing. It felt like the end of everything I knew. But here’s the truth about heartbreak: it tears down what isn’t working to make space for something better.

Healing from that relationship forced me to look inward and make changes I never would have made otherwise. It wasn’t just about getting over someone—it was about becoming the best version of myself.

What I Learned From Healing a Broken Heart

🔥 I Found My Self-Worth
Before my breakup, I based my self-worth on how others treated me. Through the healing process, I realised that my value wasn’t tied to someone else’s approval—I had to see it within myself first.

🔥 I Broke My Repeating Patterns
Heartbreak has a way of exposing the cycles we’re stuck in. For me, it was people-pleasing, over-giving, and ignoring red flags. Once I recognised these patterns, I could finally break free from them.

🔥 I Learned the Power of Boundaries
For the first time, I understood how crucial boundaries are, not just in relationships, but in every part of life. Setting boundaries taught me how to protect my energy and prioritise my needs.

🔥 I Stopped Outsourcing My Happiness
I used to believe my happiness depended on my relationship status or external circumstances. Healing taught me that true happiness comes from within.

🔥 I Took Responsibility for My Healing
No one else could “fix” me. I had to do the work—regulating my nervous system, processing my emotions, and deciding who I wanted to be moving forward.

Healing From a Breakup Isn’t Easy—But It’s Worth It

If you’re wondering how to heal from a relationship, here’s the hard truth: there’s no shortcut.

Healing is messy, uncomfortable, and often feels like two steps forward, one step back. But it’s also the most rewarding work you’ll ever do.

Every tear, every moment of doubt, and every painful memory is an opportunity to grow stronger. Heartbreak doesn’t have to define you—it can refine you.

The Bigger Picture: Pain as a Teacher

Healing from heartbreak didn’t just change my relationships; it changed my entire life. When I lost my Dad, an even deeper pain…I realised how precious and short life is.

I stopped waiting for happiness to find me and started creating it myself.

That’s the thing about pain. It’s not just something to survive; it’s something to learn from. Whether it’s heartbreak, loss, or failure, each experience holds a lesson. It’s up to us to uncover it.

How to Start Healing From a Breakup

If you’re in the middle of heartbreak right now, here are a few steps to start your healing journey:

1️⃣ Feel Your Feelings – Don’t suppress or ignore your emotions. Allow yourself to grieve, cry, and process what you’re going through.

2️⃣ Identify Your Patterns – Reflect on your past relationships and identify any patterns that might be holding you back. Awareness is the first step to breaking the cycle.

3️⃣ Set Boundaries – Start prioritizing your needs by setting and enforcing boundaries in all areas of your life.

4️⃣ Focus on Self-Love – Invest in yourself. Practice self-care, pursue hobbies, and spend time doing things that bring you joy.

5️⃣ Seek Support – Healing doesn’t have to be a solo journey. Consider working with a coach or therapist to guide you through the process.

The Gift of Heartbreak

Heartbreak isn’t just a painful chapter, it’s an opportunity for transformation.

That breakup I once thought would destroy me turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. It taught me how to heal, grow, and create a life that feels true to who I am.

If you’re ready to turn your pain into power, remember this: healing takes time, but every step you take brings you closer to the person you’re meant to be.

How Our Thoughts Shape Anxiety and Depression: Breaking Free Without Reliving the Pain

Have you ever stopped to think about the sheer power of your thoughts?

Every day, the conversations we have in our minds shape not only how we feel but also how our brains function. Anxiety and depression are deeply tied to our thought patterns, and more and more evidence is emerging to show that these conditions are not as simple as a “chemical imbalance.”

For decades, the idea that mental health issues were purely due to neurotransmitter levels has dominated the conversation. While brain chemistry is a factor, the scientific community is increasingly recognising that our life experiences, belief systems, and the way we interpret the world around us play a massive role.

And the best part? That means there’s hope.

Your Thoughts, Your Brain Chemistry

Every thought you have creates a ripple effect in your brain. Think of it like this: when you have a thought, your brain releases chemicals that align with the emotion tied to it.

Positive, empowering thoughts can stimulate the release of serotonin and dopamine—the feel-good chemicals. But negative, fear-based thoughts trigger cortisol, a stress hormone that can keep you stuck in a cycle of anxiety or low mood.

Over time, patterns of negative thinking don’t just affect your emotions, they shape your brain. This is called neuroplasticity: the brain’s ability to rewire itself.

If repeated enough, thought patterns become hardwired, like grooves on a well-trodden path.

Why Reliving Trauma Isn’t the Answer

Here’s where things get really exciting. Traditional approaches often focus on revisiting painful memories, but what if you didn’t have to go back and relive those difficult experiences to feel better? That’s where hypnotherapy and timeline therapy come in.

Rather than digging into the past, these approaches help you rewrite the subconscious patterns that hold you back—without reliving the pain.

  • Hypnotherapy works by accessing the subconscious mind, where 90% of our behaviors, beliefs, and emotions are programmed. It helps you uncover limiting beliefs that keep you stuck and replace them with empowering ones.

  • Timeline therapy allows you to resolve emotional wounds by working with your mind’s natural ability to organise memories. You’re guided to revisit and reframe key events from a detached, safe perspective. The result? Relief from old triggers without the emotional overwhelm.

Science Backs the Mind’s Power to Heal

Recent studies highlight the effectiveness of approaches like hypnotherapy. For example, research published in journals like American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis shows that hypnotherapy can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression significantly.

Even more fascinating, your brain doesn’t know the difference between something vividly imagined and something real.

This is why hypnosis works so well, it allows you to reprogram your subconscious as if the change has already occurred.

Why Your Thoughts Are Your Superpower

What makes hypnotherapy and timeline therapy so transformative is that they empower you to shift your focus. Instead of fighting against the negative thoughts, you learn to reframe them, gently guiding your subconscious to create new, positive patterns.

And here’s the beauty of it: your subconscious mind doesn’t argue. It takes in the new narrative and starts making it your reality.

Moving Forward: No More Outdated Narratives

You don’t have to live in the shadow of anxiety or depression. While the chemical imbalance theory dominated the mental health conversation for years, the truth is far more empowering. Your mind has the power to heal.

Through hypnotherapy and timeline therapy, you can step into a new narrative—one where you feel at peace, empowered, and fully in control of your thoughts and emotions.

The change starts with a single thought. Why not make it a powerful one?

Placing Your Entire Sense of Safety and Self-Worth in Someone Else Is Never Sustainable

Have you ever found yourself looking to someone else to make you feel secure, loved, or complete? It’s a pattern many of us fall into without even realising it.

But the hard truth is this: Placing your entire sense of safety and self-worth in another person is never sustainable.

Here’s why:

1. The Weight of Being Someone’s “Everything”

When you expect someone else to be your everything, it creates an imbalance in the relationship. One person carries the emotional burden of being your anchor, your cheerleader, and your source of validation—all at once. No matter how much they care, it’s a weight too heavy for anyone to bear.

Relationships built on this kind of dependency often struggle.

They become suffocating, draining, and full of resentment. Why? Because no one person can meet all your needs.

2. The Danger of Codependency

Codependency is a loop where one person’s self-worth hinges on the other’s approval, attention, or presence.

It feels like love, but it’s often rooted in fear—fear of being alone, fear of rejection, or fear of not being “enough.”

When you give someone else the power to determine your happiness, you lose your own. And ironically, the very thing you’re afraid of—losing the relationship—becomes more likely, because codependency suffocates growth.

3. Avoiding Yourself vs. Reclaiming Yourself

Here’s the truth: placing your self-worth in someone else isn’t about them—it’s about you. Often, it’s a way of avoiding the relationship you have with yourself.

If you’re constantly looking outward for love, safety, or validation, it’s time to ask:

  • Where am I abandoning myself?

  • What parts of me am I avoiding or suppressing?

  • Why do I believe someone else’s love will fix what I feel is missing?

Healing starts when you’re willing to face these questions head-on and begin reconnecting with yourself.

4. The Power of Choosing, Not Needing

The healthiest relationships aren’t about need; they’re about choice. They’re built on mutual respect, shared values, and a deep sense of individuality. When you no longer rely on someone else to complete you, you create space for a partnership that enhances your life rather than defining it.

You’ll find that relationships flourish when both people feel free to be themselves, rather than trapped in a cycle of dependency.

5. Practical Steps to Reclaim Your Power

If this resonates with you, know that change is possible. Start here:
💥 Prioritise yourself: Get to know your own needs and meet them first.
💥 Let go of control: Let others make their own choices, and trust that you’ll handle whatever comes next.
💥 Build self-worth: Validate yourself instead of seeking constant approval from others.

The Journey to Becoming Whole

Your sense of safety, self-worth, and happiness can only come from within. When you place these things in someone else’s hands, you lose the opportunity to truly know yourself.

But here’s the good news: you can take that power back.

Are you ready to stop looking outward and start reconnecting with yourself? My program, Becoming the One,” is designed to help you rediscover your worth, heal old patterns, and create the kind of love you truly deserve—starting with YOU.

Let’s rewrite your story together. 💖

Why They Don’t Seem to Want You

In today’s fast-paced world, feelings of rejection in relationships can be particularly painful.

You may find yourself wondering, “Why don’t they seem to want me?” This question often leads to self-doubt and confusion, but it’s essential to understand the deeper dynamics at play.

1. Understanding Connection vs. Attraction

First, it’s crucial to differentiate between connection and attraction.

Just because someone may be attracted to you doesn’t mean they are ready for a deeper relationship. Various factors influence their willingness to engage, such as personal issues, past traumas, or fear of vulnerability. Are you actually being upfront and honest with what you WANT? This is especially relevant if you’ve experienced patterns of unrequited affection or found yourself drawn to partners who seem emotionally unavailable.

2. Self-Reflection: Are You Being Your Authentic Self?

Often, we attract relationships that mirror our internal state.

If you are struggling with self-worth, you may unconsciously draw partners who reflect those beliefs. Are you putting on a facade to gain approval? If you feel you must "perform" to be liked, it can hinder genuine connection. Self-reflection and inner work—like those found in breakthrough breathwork or hypnotherapy, can help you discover your authentic self and attract the right kind of love.

3. Recognising Patterns of Rejection

Understanding your emotional patterns can shed light on why you might feel unwanted.

Have you experienced abandonment or neglect in past relationships? These emotional wounds can create a cycle where you attract partners who reinforce those fears. Acknowledging these patterns is the first step toward breaking free and cultivating healthier connections.

4. Are Relationships Supposed to Be Hard?

It’s a common misconception that relationships should be hard work.

While every relationship requires effort and compromise, they shouldn’t feel like a constant struggle. If you find yourself consistently fighting for your partner's affection, it may be time to reassess the relationship’s dynamics.

5. Can Relationships Be Fixed?

The good news is that relationships can be fixed—provided both partners are willing to engage in open communication and mutual growth. Seeking guidance through coaching, therapy, “Concious connected couple’s Breathwork” or support groups can help both individuals navigate their feelings and improve the relationship’s health.

In summary, feelings of rejection can stem from various internal and external factors. By investing time in self-reflection and emotional healing, you’ll be better equipped to attract the right partners who appreciate you for who you truly are.

If you’re tired of feeling unwanted or caught in unhealthy relationship patterns, it’s time to take action. Join my “Become the One, Relationship Reset program, where we’ll dive deep into understanding your beliefs and emotional patterns. Together, we’ll work on healing past wounds and reprogramming your mind to attract the love you truly deserve.

🔑 What You’ll Gain:

  • Clarity on what you truly want in a relationship

  • Techniques to break free from limiting beliefs and patterns

  • Tools to cultivate self-love and confidence

  • Ongoing support to help you stay aligned with your desires

Don’t wait any longer to step into the love you’ve always dreamed of! Click the link to learn more about the program and start your journey to becoming the one. 🌟💖

Why You Always Think the Worst Will Happen in Relationships

You’ve met someone amazing. They’re kind, thoughtful, and everything you’ve ever wanted... yet you’re already bracing yourself for the heartbreak. Sound familiar?

Relationships can be fixed

It’s as if no matter how good things seem, there’s that little voice in your head whispering, “This won’t last. Something is bound to go wrong.”

You’re not alone in feeling this way. So many people, especially those who have experienced difficult or toxic relationships, carry this anxiety into every new relationship.

But here’s the truth: this fear isn’t about your current partner or the relationship. It’s about the subconscious patterns you’ve learned over time.

In this blog, we’ll explore why you always expect the worst in relationships and how you can start breaking this exhausting cycle.

Understanding Why You Expect the Worst

It’s easy to blame external factors for our relationship fears, but the real reason often lies much deeper, within our subconscious mind.

If you’ve been through abandonment, betrayal, or trauma in past relationships (especially as a child - even if it was just perceived abandonment), your subconscious has learned to expect pain, even when things are going well. It’s like you’ve trained yourself to be on guard, anticipating the next emotional blow before it even happens.

This might have worked as a coping mechanism in the past to protect you, but it’s now creating anxiety and insecurity in your current relationships.

You might not even realise it, but your brain is stuck in a survival mode where safety feels temporary, and happiness is something you’re waiting to lose.

Here are a few common reasons you might always think the worst will happen:

  1. Past trauma or emotional wounds: If you’ve been hurt before—especially in ways that felt like betrayal or abandonment—your brain tries to protect you by scanning for signs that it will happen again.

  2. Fear of abandonment: Even when things seem perfect, you may subconsciously fear being left behind. You may believe that love always fades or that people eventually leave, even if they haven’t given you any reason to think so.

  3. Low self-worth: If deep down, you don’t truly believe you’re worthy of love, you may find yourself questioning why someone would want to stay with you. This insecurity fuels your belief that something bad is bound to happen.

  4. Unresolved attachment issues: If you’ve experienced inconsistency in love during childhood or in early relationships, you may expect instability. You might fear that even the most secure relationship will become unpredictable.

The Cycle of Self-Sabotage

When you always expect the worst, it’s easy to start unintentionally sabotaging the relationship. This is how the cycle often plays out:

  • Overanalysing everything: When you’re constantly expecting something to go wrong, you might start overthinking your partner’s actions or words. A delayed text or change in tone could send you into a spiral of worry, making you question their commitment or interest.

  • Seeking constant reassurance: To feel secure, you may find yourself needing constant validation from your partner. This can create pressure on the relationship, making your partner feel like they can never do enough to make you feel safe.

  • Emotional distancing: To protect yourself from the pain you fear is coming, you may start pulling away emotionally before anything bad even happens. Ironically, this behaviour often leads to the very distance you were trying to avoid.

These patterns create a self-fulfilling prophecy where the fear of the relationship failing ends up damaging it.

Can Relationships Be Fixed?

Yes, relationships can be fixed. But the key is understanding that this work starts with you—not just with the relationship itself.

You need to heal the subconscious patterns that cause you to expect the worst. It’s not about simply “thinking positive” or ignoring the fear. That doesn’t address the root cause. Instead, it’s about reprogramming your subconscious mind so you can feel secure and trust that you’re worthy of love and stability, without waiting for the other shoe to drop.

How to Rewire Your Subconscious and Break the Cycle

Here are some powerful ways you can start shifting the way you feel in relationships and stop expecting the worst:

1. Heal Your Subconscious Beliefs

Your thoughts and emotions around relationships come from deep-seated beliefs about yourself, love, and safety. Hypnotherapy, breakthrough breathwork and mindset coaching are incredibly effective tools to help you access and shift these subconscious patterns. Instead of reliving your past trauma, hypnotherapy allows you to reprogram those outdated beliefs with new, empowering ones. Something I can help with.

You’ll move from expecting abandonment to feeling secure in the knowledge that you’re worthy of love and stability. You’ll stop believing that heartbreak is inevitable and start trusting in the possibility of long-lasting, healthy relationships.

2. Challenge Your Negative Thought Patterns

It’s important to become aware of the thoughts that fuel your fears. Next time you catch yourself thinking, “This won’t last” or “They’ll leave me eventually,” ask yourself: Is this based on fact or fear?

Often, these thoughts are projections of past experiences and have nothing to do with your current reality. Learning to recognise and challenge them is the first step to breaking the cycle.

3. Practice Self-Validation

When you always seek reassurance from your partner, it puts unnecessary pressure on the relationship. Instead, practice giving yourself the validation and love you crave. Remind yourself that you are enough and that you deserve a healthy, loving relationship.

When you start to believe that you’re worthy of love, you won’t need constant external validation to feel secure.

4. Stop Trying to Control the Outcome

The fear of the worst happening often comes from a desire to control the relationship’s outcome. But love isn’t about control—it’s about trust. Learning to release control and allow the relationship to evolve naturally is a key part of building a secure attachment.

Trusting yourself and your partner to handle whatever comes allows you to stay present in the relationship, without being consumed by the fear of what might go wrong.

It’s Time to Break the Cycle

If you’re tired of always expecting the worst and want to feel secure and confident in love, it’s time to do the inner work. Your past does not have to define your future. Relationships can be fixed, but first, you need to heal the relationship you have with yourself. ❤️

Let’s rewire your mind so you can finally feel safe, secure, and at peace in love. You deserve it.

Ready to Rewrite Your Relationship Story?

If you’re ready to stop waiting for things to go wrong and start trusting in love again, I can help. Through hypnotherapy, breakthrough breathwork and mindset coaching, I’ll guide you through reprogramming your subconscious so you can finally experience the security, trust, and peace you’ve been craving.

Visit my page below to learn how we can work together to create lasting, positive change in your relationships.

How to Attract a Healthy Relationship: 5 Key Steps to Finding Lasting Love

Many of us have spent years searching for the perfect partner, only to find ourselves stuck in unhealthy relationship patterns.

Whether it’s a history of toxic relationships or the struggle to find someone who truly complements us, the journey can often feel overwhelming.

But attracting a healthy relationship isn’t about luck or chance.

It’s about doing the inner work to ensure you're ready to welcome a partner who aligns with your values, respects your boundaries, and supports your personal growth.

In this blog, I’m going to guide you through the five key steps on how to attract a healthy relationship.

1. Prioritize Self-Love and Self-Respect

Before you can attract a healthy relationship, it’s essential to focus on the most important relationship of all—the one with yourself. When you truly love and respect yourself, you naturally set higher standards for how others treat you. You won’t tolerate disrespect, manipulation, or emotional unavailability, because you know your worth.

Cultivating self-love is the first step to attracting a partner who mirrors that love back to you. If you’re wondering how to attract a healthy relationship, the journey starts within.

Make self-care a priority, set firm boundaries, and celebrate your individuality.

2. Let Go of Past Relationship Baggage

Holding onto past hurts, unresolved anger, or resentment from previous relationships can block you from attracting a healthy partner.

If you find yourself constantly thinking about an ex or replaying old relationship wounds, it’s time to let go.

Releasing emotional baggage doesn’t mean forgetting what happened. It means you’ve processed the pain, learned the lesson, and are now ready to move forward. When you clear out emotional clutter, you create space for a healthy, fulfilling relationship to come into your life.

I often help my customers to let go of memories and patterns that have kept them stuck - sometimes for years!

How to attract a healthy relationship? Start by forgiving the past and allowing yourself to embrace the possibility of new love without the weight of old heartbreak.

3. Identify Your Non-Negotiables in a Partner

One crucial step to attracting a healthy relationship is getting crystal clear on what you need in a partner. Healthy relationships thrive when both individuals share core values, have mutual respect, and are aligned in their vision for the future.

Take the time to define your non-negotiables.

What qualities are essential to you in a relationship? Do you value honesty, emotional availability, and clear communication? By identifying these key traits, you’ll be able to better recognise potential partners who are truly compatible with you.

This is something we get clear on in our work together!

When you know what you’re looking for, you can avoid settling for less than you deserve. How to attract a healthy relationship means seeking someone whose values align with yours and who respects your boundaries.

4. Heal Your Limiting Beliefs About Love

Sometimes, the biggest barrier to attracting a healthy relationship isn’t external - it’s internal.

Many of us carry limiting beliefs about love that stem from past experiences, childhood trauma, or societal expectations. Beliefs like "I’m not worthy of love" or "Love always leads to heartbreak" can subconsciously sabotage your ability to attract a healthy, loving relationship.

If you want to know how to attract a healthy relationship, start by healing these limiting beliefs.

Hypnotherapy, coaching, and self-reflection are powerful tools that can help you uncover the subconscious programming that’s holding you back. Once you shift your mindset, you’ll be able to welcome a partner who reflects the love and respect you now believe you deserve.

5. Be Open to Vulnerability and Authentic Connection

Healthy relationships require vulnerability and authenticity.

If you’re guarded, afraid of being hurt again, or hesitant to show your true self, it’s difficult to form a genuine connection with someone. To attract a healthy relationship, you need to be willing to let your guard down and allow someone to truly see you—flaws and all.

This doesn’t mean oversharing or rushing into deep emotional intimacy. It means being open, honest, and showing up as your authentic self.

When you allow yourself to be vulnerable, you invite a partner to do the same. Healthy relationships are built on trust, communication, and a willingness to grow together.

How to attract a healthy relationship? Practice vulnerability and embrace the idea that healthy love requires openness, not perfection.

Ready to Attract the Healthy Relationship You Deserve?

Attracting a healthy relationship doesn’t happen overnight, but by following these steps, you’re laying a strong foundation for lasting love. When you prioritize self-love, release old baggage, and embrace vulnerability, you naturally attract someone who is aligned with your values and ready to meet you at the same level of emotional maturity.

If you’re ready to take the next step and learn how to attract a healthy relationship, I invite you to join my upcoming Healthy Love Blueprint Masterclass. In this free session, we’ll dive deeper into how to heal from past relationships and create the life and love you truly desire.

5 Signs You're Ready to Heal and Attract a Healthy Relationship

After a painful relationship or breakup, it's common to feel uncertain about when you're truly ready to move on and attract a healthy relationship. Healing from past relationship trauma is a personal journey, but there are key signs that indicate you’re not only ready to heal but also ready to attract a love that supports your growth.

If you've been asking yourself, "Am I really ready to start again?" or "How do I know if I'm ready for a healthy relationship?", this blog will highlight five clear signs that show you’re on the path to healing and personal transformation.

These signs are often recognised by those seeking a relationship coach for guidance on overcoming old patterns and preparing for a fulfilling future relationship.

1. You've Recognised Your Negative Relationship Patterns

One of the first steps to healing after a relationship is becoming aware of the patterns you tend to repeat. Whether it's attracting emotionally unavailable partners, accepting less than you deserve, or finding yourself in codependent dynamics, recognising these patterns is a sign of growth.

If you've started to reflect on past relationships and see these recurring themes, you're already breaking free from negative relationship patterns. This awareness is crucial because it shows you're ready to take responsibility for your part in past relationships and make conscious changes for the future.

2. You're Prioritising Self-Love and Personal Growth

A healthy relationship starts with self-love. If you’ve been actively working on rebuilding your confidence, practicing self-care, and investing in your personal development, it’s a strong indicator that you’re ready to heal. When you prioritise yourself, you set a new standard for how others should treat you.

Many women come to a relationship coach looking for help to "attract a healthy relationship." But what they discover is that the relationship they need to focus on first is the one with themselves. Once you're in a place where your happiness and worth come from within, you're better equipped to enter a relationship that enhances your life rather than defines it.

3. You're Letting Go of Resentment and Anger from the Past

Holding onto resentment or anger from past relationships can be one of the biggest blocks to healing. If you’ve been working through your emotions and have started to release the hurt caused by an ex-partner or a toxic relationship, it’s a sign you’re emotionally moving forward.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean excusing harmful behavior; it means letting go of the emotional baggage that keeps you tied to the past. By forgiving and releasing this emotional weight, you're making space for healthier, more loving experiences to come into your life.

4. You Feel Comfortable Being Alone

Another major sign you’re ready for a healthy relationship is feeling comfortable and happy on your own. You’re no longer rushing into relationships to avoid loneliness or to seek validation. Instead, you enjoy your own company, and you’ve found peace in your independence.

Being comfortable with solitude shows that you're not entering a relationship out of need or fear. Instead, you're ready to be with someone who complements your life rather than fills a void. This shift in mindset is critical for attracting a partner who respects and values you as much as you do yourself.

5. You’re Open to Vulnerability and Authentic Connection

Being open to vulnerability is essential for building a healthy relationship. If you’ve done the healing work and now feel ready to share your true self without fear of rejection or judgment, this is a powerful sign you’re ready to attract a relationship rooted in authenticity and mutual respect.

Healthy relationships require openness, honesty, and the ability to communicate your needs. If you're no longer afraid to be vulnerable and express your emotions, you’re prepared for a connection that’s built on trust and emotional intimacy—qualities that every relationship coach emphasizes when guiding women toward healthier love.

Ready to Heal and Attract the Love You Deserve?

Healing after a relationship isn’t easy, but it’s an empowering journey that brings you closer to the love and life you truly deserve.

If you’ve recognised these signs in yourself, you’re likely ready to heal and move forward into a relationship that supports your growth and happiness.

If you’re looking for guidance, I can help you navigate this journey with clarity and purpose. As a coach, I’ve helped hundreds of women break free from toxic relationship patterns, rebuild their confidence, and attract healthy, loving partnerships.

You can do the same.

Are you ready to take the next step? Join my free Healthy Love Blueprint Masterclass, starting on October 1st, where we’ll dive deeper into healing and attracting the love you deserve.

Before you date anyone new, you need to read this 👇

I’ve said it before – our brain is like an evidence-producing machine! We don’t experience life as it is; we experience life based on what we focus on most and on our beliefs and assumptions about it! And so many people are just f*cking focused on the wrong stuff! (Sorry, no point in me holding back here!) 😬

Imagine this: you're searching “How to find true love again” a few times on YouTube. The algorithm kicks in and starts showing you more and more of those types of videos. Life works the same way. So while you’re sat around talking trash about men but expecting to find a good one, it’s like baking a cake with salt but expecting it to taste sweet!

The Subconscious Saboteur

Let’s get real. I get it – your experiences and past hurts are why you’re here. But while you continue to focus on the negative, you’ll keep finding evidence of it. You won’t find the “good ones,” and if you do, you’ll find a way to see something different or sabotage it anyway. 🤷‍♀️👀

And it’s not really your fault. It’s unconscious. You probably don’t even know you’re doing it. It’s likely from past hurts and unresolved wounds. That’s why I love working with people with relationship trauma. They don’t even realise they’re going around in the same cycles again and again….but there’s huge relief when we work through it!

Recognising the Pattern

Let me ask you this – have you ever dated different people, only to find yourself in the same toxic dynamic? If you’re nodding your head, you’re not alone.

Recognising the pattern is the first step. Your subconscious mind holds onto these beliefs, making you attract the same kind of partners and situations.

Imagine you’re wearing glasses that tint everything with your past experiences.

Everything you see, feel, and experience is coloured by your previous relationships. It’s like trying to enjoy a sunset with smudged sunglasses. Not quite the same, right?

The Recipe for Change

So how do we change the recipe and bake a sweet life? First, we need to clean those glasses. Here’s how:

  1. Acknowledge Your Patterns 🧠 Take a step back and look at your relationship history. What similarities do you see? What beliefs about love and relationships are you holding onto? Write them down.

  2. Shift Your Focus 🌟 Instead of focusing on what went wrong, start focusing on what you want. Visualise and feel into the the kind of relationship you desire. Believe it’s possible and that you deserve it.

  3. Heal Your Past ❤️ This is where the magic happens. Through hypnotherapy and mindset coaching, we can address those unresolved wounds and reprogram your subconscious mind. It’s like a deep clean for your soul.

More Than Just Relationships

And it’s not just in relationships. Many of us leave money on the table because we’re so focused on the lack that we miss opportunities. We’re unhappy because we see life through the lens of “life is so hard.” And then it’s the same the next day, the day after, and the day after that. You get the picture. Until you’re ready to change.

When you’re ready, I know someone who’s just what you need. (Spoiler alert: It’s me! 🤪)

Embrace the New

Imagine waking up one day, feeling genuinely happy and optimistic about your future. Imagine attracting partners who respect and cherish you. Imagine spotting opportunities for abundance and seizing them with confidence. This isn’t a fantasy – it’s entirely possible when you change your focus and heal from within.

Take the Leap

Breaking relationship cycles isn’t easy, but it’s so worth it. You deserve to experience love, joy, and abundance. You deserve to break free from the past and step into a future that excites you. If you’re ready to take that leap, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

So, are you ready to stop baking cakes with salt? Let’s switch up the recipe and create a life that tastes as sweet as you deserve. Because life is too short to settle for anything less than bliss.

With love and a sprinkle of humor, Caroline 💖

Manifesting Love for a Specific Person: Is it Possible?

When it comes to manifesting love, the most frequent question I get asked is about attracting a specific person. It's fascinating how many people are drawn to the idea of manifesting a particular individual into their lives.

In fact, I believe that many discover the power of manifesting and the Law of Assumption and states of consciousness through this very topic!

The concept may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but once you grasp the basics, it starts to make perfect sense.

Think of different realities as various TV programs running simultaneously. You get to choose which program to watch, and similarly, you can decide which reality to experience. Whatever channel you are playing all of the other programs are still running until you choose to tune into them.

We are all connected at the source through states of consciousness, allowing us to manifest anything we desire.

Remember, you are the creator of your reality. Your identity is “I AM,” not “I CAN’T.”

And let’s talk about “Free Will” people only bring this up around this subject lets look at it this way…what happens when they are having constant arguments in their head with people or talking negatively about people and wondering why they keep behaving exactly how they “EXPECT” because those people have no choice to keep playing the role you give them. GOOD or BAD!

Think about it like this we communicate unconsciously or telepathically without realising it…so our thoughts are in fact never private therefore people have to behave how we expect them to.

And being honest most of the time the reason we get an unwanted version of others is because they are reflecting what we believe about ourself…eg not good enough etc. So changing this alone is often enough to get a different response from your specific person.

“Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.”
Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard, taught that everyone in your reality reflects your beliefs and assumptions. Simply put, people show up in your life exactly how you believe they will. If you think all guys are cheaters, you'll experience relationships with cheating. If you believe women can't be trusted, that's what you'll encounter. But if you believe people treat you with love and respect, that's how they'll treat you.

It’s why people go from one toxic relationship to another they think by changing the person they’ll change the outcome not realising if they’ve done nothing to change their awareness the next person will also be reflecting the same beliefs.

This highlights the importance of focusing on your beliefs about yourself. According to Neville, everything already exists in the present moment. Imagine each day is like you have a clean state and if you are struggling to let go of things from the past this is where I can help with very particular revision techniques.

The subconscious is not selective; it is impersonal and no respecter of persons. The subconscious is not concerned with the truth or falsity of your feeling. It always accepts as true that which you feel to be true. Feeling is the assent of the subconscious to the truth of that which is declared to be true. Because of this quality of the subconscious there is nothing impossible to man. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and feel as true, the subconscious can and must objectify. Your feelings create the pattern from which your world is fashioned, and a change of feeling is a change of pattern.

The subconscious never fails to express that which has been impressed upon it. Neville Goddard 

There are infinite realities with every possible version of the past, present, and future. In one reality, you might be married to your person; in another, you're single. The reality your awareness goes to most is the one you manifest.

So ask yourself right now…where is my awareness going most of the time….and we don’t even need to focus on “THE Specific Person” Just our awareness of ourselves are we focusing on the deliciousness of feeling loved, adored, safe? Or the awareness of being unwanted, single, unhappy?

It’s why you could be in a beautiful relationship but keep focusing on the fact it might go wrong, you might be left single, hurt etc this is likely to manifest.

The Power of Letting Go or Detachment.

Interestingly, many people manifest a specific person back into their lives when they "give up."

This happens because they drop the sense of lack. Every possible outcome and scenario already exists in one of the infinite realities. This includes every possible version of every person you could meet.

Out of all these infinite possibilities, you experience the reality you imagine or focus most of your attention on. You are constantly selecting and shifting between realities based on your beliefs and assumptions. These determine the reality you move into and experience, or the “state” you dwell in. So you don’t have to forget about your person or let go of the desire as such…but to manifest your specific person effectively you do have to let go of the lack and detach from what is currently going on in your external circumstances and instead dwell in the state of already having what you desire.

For example if you were in a beautiful relationship and feeling safe, secure, loved etc you wouldn’t be constantly thinking “Why haven’t they text me?” or “Who are they with?” etc.

Manifesting a specific person doesn’t work by brainwashing, manipulating, or infringing upon anyone’s free will. People aren’t puppets to be controlled or forced to do what you say. Manifesting doesn’t work like that. It is however a reflection of your state of being….

Practical Steps to Manifest Love for a Specific Person

  1. Shift Your Focus: Start by shifting your focus from the lack of your specific person to the presence of love in your life. Imagine and feel as if your desire has already manifested. (EMBODY THE STATE OF THE WISH FULFILLED)

  2. Reprogram Your Beliefs: Identify any limiting beliefs that might be holding you back. Replace them with empowering beliefs that align with the reality you want to experience. This is something I can support you with.

  3. Use Affirmations/Techniques: Affirmations and other techniques can help reprogram your subconscious mind and step into the “It’s already done” state. Use affirmations like "I am so loved, wanted and adored," "I am in a loving relationship with [specific person]," and "I am attracting love effortlessly." Just a reminder techniques are not to “Make” anything happen but to help move you into a state where you already have your desire!

  4. Visualise: Spend time each day visualising yourself with your specific person. Feel the emotions of being in that loving relationship as if it is happening right now. You can use inner conversations but most of all do this because it feels good…not to “Make” something happen. The external reality is a reflection of our internal reality which is why this is our focus.

  5. Let Go: Detach from the outcome. Embody and enjoy the feelings of already having your desire…this may be feelings of joy, bliss contentment or it may just be dropping the lack KNOWING it is already done and living your life.

    Trust that its done. When you detach from external circumstances, you release resistance and allow your desired reality to manifest.

  6. Stay in a state of LOVE: Practice gratitude for the love you already have in your life. Gratitude aligns you with the frequency of love.

YOU GET WHAT YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU WANT…so if you are in a state of frustration, sadness, hater etc this is what you’ll see reflected back.


Manifesting love for a specific person is entirely possible. By understanding and applying the principles of manifestation, you can attract the love you desire into your life. Remember, you are the creator of your reality. Every possible version of every person exists right now, and it’s your beliefs and assumptions that determine the reality you experience. Embrace your power, focus on what you desire, and watch as your reality transforms in beautiful ways.

Living in the Wish Fulfilled: How to Embrace the Power of Now

Have you ever noticed how effortlessly you achieve something when you no longer dwell on its arrival? Think back to any past moment where you desired something and eventually attained it. At that time, were you anxiously waiting for it to manifest, or did you simply know, deep within, that it was already yours? That's the essence of living in the wish fulfilled.

"All you can possibly need or desire is already yours. You need no helper to give it to you; it is yours now. Call your desires into being by imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled. As the end is accepted, you become totally indifferent as to possible failure, for acceptance of the end wills the means to that end." - Neville Goddard

In the teachings of Neville Goddard, living in the wish fulfilled means embodying the state of already having your desire. It's about moving away from the mindset of waiting for something to happen in the future and instead embracing the belief that it has already come to fruition.

Here’s a practical approach to incorporate this mindset into your life:

  1. Shift Your Perspective: During your visualisation or affirmation practice, periodically check in with yourself. Are you anticipating the fulfilment of your desire in the days to come? Be honest in your assessment. If you find yourself eagerly waiting, remind yourself that this mindset contradicts living in the wish fulfilled.

  2. Embrace the Present Tense: Imagine your desire not as something you are waiting for, but as something that has already happened. Visualise it as a past achievement. Ask yourself, "Am I still waiting for this?" Challenge yourself to feel the reality of your desire being a fulfilled fact in your life.

  3. Cultivate Certainty: Questioning implies it is not done. Each time you think of your desire tell yourself It is done until you confidently know it's already done. Feel the joy and satisfaction of its fulfilment in the present moment.

"Neville’s law is simply this: If you are imagining an objective beyond your present capacity to realise, you have to keep that image alive in your mind and feed it with the feeling of reality." - Neville Goddard

Living in the wish fulfilled requires a shift from longing to knowing, from anticipation to certainty. It’s about aligning your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with the reality of your desire already being realized. As Neville Goddard emphasized, this shift in consciousness is not about wishful thinking or repetitive affirmations, but a deep, unwavering conviction in the present reality of your desires.

So, take a moment today to embody the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Let go of the need for it to come in the future and embrace its presence in your life right now. By doing so, you unleash the power of manifestation and create a life filled with inner peace, abundance, and joy.

Remember, the key to living in the wish fulfilled lies in your ability to believe and feel that what you desire is already here. Embrace this mindset, and watch how your reality transforms accordingly.

If you are ready to really Live in the Wish fulfilled…Join me for my online retreat 15th - 19th July

Living in the state of the wish fulfilled

Living in the End: The Key to Manifesting Your Desires

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly attract their desires while others struggle?

What Does "Living in the End" Mean?

Neville Goddard's teachings revolve around the idea that to manifest your desires, you must assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled. We manifest what we are…not what we want!

This means stepping into the state of consciousness where you already possess what you desire, whether it's money, love, peace, success, or confidence. It's about living as if your dreams have already come true.

Why Is Living in the End So Important?

  1. Aligning with Your Desires: When you live in the end, you align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with the reality you want to create. This alignment sends a powerful message to your consciousness and impresses your subconscious mind that you are ready to receive what you desire.

  2. Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind: Your subconscious mind controls 90% of your daily actions and reactions. By consistently living in the end, you reprogram your subconscious to accept your desires as reality. This creates new neural pathways and habits that support your manifesting goals.

  3. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: One of the biggest barriers to manifestation is limiting beliefs. When you live in the end, you can bypass these mental blocks.

    Instead of focusing on why something isn't possible, you focus on the feeling of already having it, which dissolves resistance and opens up new possibilities. Or you can get my support using Time Line Therapy™ to remove unwanted emotions and limiting beliefs.

  4. Enhancing Visualization and Imagination: Living in the end strengthens your ability to visualize and imagine your desires in vivid detail. This mental practice enhances your creative power and makes your desired reality feel tangible and attainable.

How to Live in the End

  1. Cultivate the Feeling: Start by identifying the core feelings associated with having your desire. Is it joy, peace, security, or excitement? Cultivate these emotions daily, allowing them to infuse your thoughts and actions.

  2. Create Mental Scenes: Use your imagination to create detailed mental scenes of your desired outcome. See yourself living your dream life, engaging in activities, and interacting with others as if your wish is already fulfilled.

  3. Affirmations and Self-Talk: Reinforce your new state of consciousness with positive affirmations and self-talk. Speak to yourself as if you already have what you desire. For example, "I am abundant," "I am loved," or "I am successful."

  4. Act As If: Begin to act as if your desires have already manifested. Make decisions and take actions from the perspective of someone who already has what they want. This could mean dressing the part, changing your environment, or adopting new habits.

  5. Morning and Evening Rituals: Incorporate living in the end into your daily routines. Start your day with visualization and affirmations, and end it by revisiting your mental scenes before sleep. These rituals reinforce your new state of consciousness.

The Law of Consciousness

Neville Goddard explains that "Consciousness is the one and only reality, not figuratively but actually. This reality may for the sake of clarity be likened unto a stream which is divided into two parts, the conscious and the subconscious." To intelligently operate the law of consciousness, it's essential to understand the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious.

The conscious mind is personal and selective, generating ideas and impressing them upon the subconscious. The subconscious mind, impersonal and non-selective, receives these ideas and gives form and expression to them. By this law—first conceiving an idea and then impressing it upon the subconscious—all things evolve out of consciousness.

Understanding this dynamic is crucial because the conscious mind (the male aspect) initiates and impresses, while the subconscious mind (the female aspect) receives and manifests. This interplay between conscious and subconscious ensures that your desires evolve into reality.

Embrace Your Desired State Today

Living in the end is more than just a manifesting technique; it's a way of life. By embodying the state of already having your desires, you transform your inner world and, consequently, your outer reality. Remember, your consciousness is the creative force that shapes your existence. Use it wisely and boldly to create the life you truly desire.

As Neville Goddard famously said,

"Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and observe the route that your imagination will take you to realise it."

Step into your desired state of consciousness today and watch as your reality transforms to match your innermost dreams.

And I can help you on your journey really helping you to step into the version of yourself that has their desire!

From "I'm Getting a Divorce" to "I'm the Happiest I've Been in My Marriage in a Long Time" 😳

How did this happen, in just 6 weeks as well you might be wondering?

👉 She was still with the same person—she hadn't found a new relationship!

👉 We didn't do anything to change her partner—just focused on her!

Here's the thing (as you've heard me say many times before): our relationships are a reflection of ourselves. This might sound a bit complicated, and that's because it is! (That's why people choose to work with me)

There are so many aspects of ourselves and soooo many beliefs that can affect this.

This amazing client was on the brink of ending her marriage. She felt hopeless, disconnected, and ready to walk away. But instead of focusing on what was wrong with her partner or their relationship, we turned the spotlight on her. We delved deep into her unconscious, unearthing old beliefs and patterns that were sabotaging her happiness.

We weren't even trying to change the relationship at all—just focusing on her!

The Power of Self-Reflection

When my client first approached me, she was convinced that her marriage was beyond repair. She felt unheard, unloved, and stuck in a cycle of negativity. She had tried everything she could think of to fix her relationship—couples therapy, self-help books, talking it out with friends—but nothing seemed to work. In her mind, the only solution left was divorce.

But as we began our work together, I helped her see that the real issue wasn't her partner or even their relationship—it was the beliefs and patterns within herself. This is a fundamental principle of the work I do: our external relationships are a mirror of our internal world. If we want to change our relationships, we must first change ourselves.

Unearthing Old Beliefs

The first step in this transformation was to uncover the old beliefs and patterns that were holding her back. Using Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy™, and NLP Coaching, we began to explore her unconscious mind. What we found were deep-seated beliefs about her worth, her expectations in a relationship, and her ability to be loved.

These beliefs were not just thoughts that crossed her mind occasionally; they were ingrained patterns that influenced her behaviour and her emotions on a daily basis. For example, she had a belief that she was not worthy of love unless she was perfect. This belief led her to constantly criticise herself and feel inadequate, which in turn made her feel disconnected from her husband.

Reprogramming the Mind

Once we had identified these limiting beliefs, the next step was to reprogram them. This is where Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy™, and NLP Coaching come in. These techniques are incredibly powerful tools for changing the unconscious mind. They allow us to bypass the critical, conscious mind and communicate directly with the subconscious, where these beliefs are stored.

Using the tools we had, we were able to plant new, empowering beliefs in her subconscious mind. She began to see herself as worthy of love just as she was, without needing to be perfect. Time Line Therapy™ helped her to release old emotional baggage and negative experiences from her past that were influencing her present. And NLP Coaching gave her practical tools and strategies to reinforce these new beliefs in her daily life.

The Transformation Begins

As she began to internalise these new beliefs, she noticed changes in herself almost immediately. She felt more confident, more loving, and more at peace. She began to take better care of herself, both physically and emotionally. She set boundaries and started to say no to things that drained her energy. She pursued hobbies and interests that made her happy.

And as she changed, so did her relationship. Her husband noticed the difference in her and responded in kind. The dynamic between them shifted. Where there had been tension and resentment, there was now understanding and connection. Where there had been distance, there was now closeness. The love that she thought was lost began to flow naturally again.

The Ripple Effect

This transformation didn't just affect her marriage; it had a ripple effect on all her relationships. She found that she was more patient and understanding with her children. She felt closer to her friends and family. Even her work relationships improved as she brought this new, empowered version of herself into every interaction.

This is the beauty of this work: when we heal ourselves, it affects every area of our lives. Our relationships, our work, our health—all of it improves when we align with our true selves and release the beliefs that are holding us back.

The Journey Continues

Of course, this journey is not a one-time event. It's an ongoing process of growth and self-discovery. There are always new layers to uncover, new beliefs to transform, and new ways to grow. But with the tools and techniques she learned, she now has the ability to navigate this journey with confidence and grace.

And this is what I want for you, too. If you are struggling in your relationship, remember that the journey to a better relationship starts within you. When you heal and grow, your relationships will reflect that transformation.

Embracing Your Power

Imagine waking up each day feeling loved, confident, and at peace. Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing someone who is worthy of all the good things life has to offer. Imagine being in a relationship that is full of love, connection, and joy. This is possible for you, just as it was for my client.

It's not about finding the perfect partner or fixing your current relationship; it's about finding and fixing yourself. When you align with your true self and release the beliefs that are holding you back, everything else falls into place.

So, if you’re struggling in your relationship, take a step back and look within. Ask yourself what beliefs and patterns are influencing your behavior. Consider working with someone who can guide you on this journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Ready to Transform?

Are you ready to reclaim your power and create the love life you deserve? Reach out to me and let's make it happen together. Whether you decide to stay in your relationship or move on, you will be a happier, more empowered version of yourself.

Manifesting Love: Becoming the One You Seek

In the quest for love, we often look outward, seeking the perfect partner who will complete us and bring joy to our lives. We dream of that magical relationship where everything falls into place, and all our romantic desires are fulfilled.

However, the true journey to manifesting the relationship of your dreams starts within. Your relationships are a mirror of your inner world, reflecting your beliefs, emotions, and self-perception. To attract the love you desire, you must first nurture the most important relationship of all—the one with yourself.

Becoming the One

Imagine becoming the person who naturally attracts the love you desire—because you are the embodiment of that love. This transformative process is what we call BECOMING THE ONE. It's about aligning your inner world with the relationship you want to experience in your outer world. When you embody love, confidence, and self-worth, you create a magnetic energy that draws the right partner to you.

“Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live.”
— Neville Goddard

This means that by transforming your inner self, you change the external circumstances of your life, including your relationships.

Cultivating Self-Love

The first step in becoming the one is cultivating self-love.

Self-love is not just about pampering yourself or engaging in self-care rituals, although these can be part of it. It's about recognising your inherent worth and treating yourself with the kindness, respect, and compassion you deserve.

It involves healing old wounds, letting go of limiting beliefs, and embracing your authentic self. (Although this doesn’t have to take years or be as hard as it might sound)

Neville Goddard also said, "Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled." This quote emphasises the importance of feeling as though you already are the person you want to be. When you feel whole, worthy, and loved, you send out a powerful vibration that attracts similar energies into your life.

Shifting Your Inner Dialogue

Your inner dialogue plays a crucial role in shaping your reality. Pay attention to the thoughts and beliefs you hold about yourself and your relationships. Are they empowering or limiting? Do they reflect love and abundance, or fear and lack? Shifting your inner dialogue to align with the love you wish to attract is a key part of the process.

Instead of focusing on what you lack or what's not working in your love life, begin to affirm positive beliefs. Tell yourself, "I am worthy of love," "I attract healthy, fulfilling relationships," and "I am loved and cherished." By consistently affirming these beliefs, you reprogram your subconscious mind, aligning it with your desired reality.

Embodying the State of the Wish Fulfilled

Embodying the state of the wish fulfilled means living as if your desired relationship is already a reality. This practice goes beyond mere visualisation. It requires you to immerse yourself in the feelings, thoughts, and actions of someone who is already in a loving, fulfilling relationship.

Feel the emotions of love, happiness, and fulfilment as vividly as you can, and let these emotions guide your daily actions and interactions.

Neville Goddard's teachings highlight the significance of this approach: "Imagination is the very gateway of reality."

By embodying the state of the wish fulfilled, you align your energy with your desired relationship, making it a natural extension of your inner world.

In the journey to manifesting the love you desire, remember that it all starts with you.

By becoming the embodiment of the love you seek, you naturally attract the relationship of your dreams. As Neville Goddard wisely put it, "You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe this is the only reason you do not see it."

Embrace this truth, nurture your inner world, and watch as your outer world transforms to reflect the love and joy you truly deserve.

If you are ready to “BECOME THE ONE” join my new 1-1 program

Are you hoping a relationship will fix your life?

I need another boyfriend FAST!! 🫣

Ok it was never really like that as such. 

It wasn't necessarily something I was consciously thinking, but it was there in the background.

And I'm not entirely sure what I was looking for. 

😳Was it someone to save me? 

😳Was it someone to complete me?

😳Was it someone I could rely on for happiness? 

😳Was it someone to stop me feeling lonely?

All I do know is it never ended up being any of those things! 🙄

You might wonder who I am to show up here talking about relationships and even using the hashtag #relationshipcoach when in fact the truth is I'm not currently in a relationship. 

However the REAL TRUTH is that I'm more content with myself than ever. The real truth is that I've realised just how all of those things I mentioned I no longer NEED from anyone else because I have them within. ❤

It's been a JOURNEY...but one that I have learned so much from. 

One that I now use to help other people. 

I spotted my patterns. 

I took a deep look inwards rather than trying to put another quick fix relationship over it. 

So I'm at a place where I'm open to a HEALTHY relationship not an attachment that I'm hoping will solve my problems. 

A relationship that I believe adds to my happiness not one that IS my happiness! 

And I wouldn't change a thing even the relationships I've had over that time regardless of if they were good, bad or lots of pain have given me huge insights. 

Not into insights into men, not insights into relationships but into myself and what I NEEDED FROM ME! 

And if you are ready to start with the most important relationship ever THE ONE WITH YOURSELF! 

Book in a FREE 30 min call with me!